Fee Policy

Free Trial:

We offer a 100% FREE trial with no obligations. You can continue after the trial or discontinue if it doesn't suit your needs.

Payment of Fee:

  • Fees are collected after the trial is over. The first month's fee must be paid before regular classes begin.
  • Monthly fees are taken in advance manually or charged automatically by our payment processor for the next month's classes.

Standard and Extra Sessions in Months:

  • The standard monthly tuition covers the sessions delivered over 4 weeks.
  • If there are 5 weeks in a month, the tutor will provide extra sessions to possibly cover and accommodate any missed classes from the regular schedule.
  • If a class is missed during the standard tuition sessions across 4 weeks, students have the option to make up for the missed session during the extra sessions provided in months with 5 weeks.
  • If the teacher is unable to conduct extra classes during the 5th week and the regular sessions for that month have already been covered, the missed sessions will not need to be rescheduled.

Missed Classes and Make-up Options:

  • If a student is absent during the class and the tutor has waited for the entire duration, attempting to contact the student, make-up will not be scheduled and the fee for the missed class will be applicable.
  • If the teacher is unable to conduct the scheduled class, he/she must make up any missed classes within the 5th week of that month (if applicable).
  • In the absence of the 5th week in a month, the student may reschedule the missed class at a mutually agreeable time.
  • Missed classes are typically included in the fee until the student notifies us to stop classes.
  • This policy is in place because the tutor has dedicated their time to the scheduled session, and we are obligated to compensate them for their services.

Rescheduling Classes:

  • If you need to change your upcoming class time due to unforeseen circumstances, please inform the tutor at least 2 hours before the scheduled class time.
  • The student may reschedule the missed class by the tutor within that month at a mutually agreeable time.

Crediting Missed Sessions:

  • If a month's sessions are still not completed and rescheduling is not possible, the session will be credited to the next month's tuition fee.

Holding Classes and Transferring Fees:

  • If you have paid one month's fee in advance and you have given prior notice to hold that month and resume classes in the next month, then the paid fee can be carried over to the next month only.

Teacher and Time Slot Reservation:

  • If you want the same teacher and time slot upon returning from a break for a month or longer, a 50% deposit of the tuition fee for that period is required in advance to reserve the spot.

Late Payment:

  • Classes may be suspended if fees are not paid within the due dates.

Annual Fee Increase:

  • A 5% fee increase may occur annually.

Cancellations policy:

To stop classes, please provide a 1-month notice before the leaving date and state the reason.

Eid Holidays:

Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha are considered paid leave for tutors. No discount, refund, or make-up classes are offered for these holidays.

Aim of Fee Policy:

EQuran School does not accept any donations. It runs on a small fee we receive from the students. In order to provide a high quality environment and an appropriate program for students, we must remain financially viable, while ensuring fee levels are at an affordable level for families.

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